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Parent Involvement

St. James School works in partnership with its parents to create a sense of community and to continue the legacy of excellence that was created by the founding school families over 50 years ago!

Our parent organization, "Parent Club," coordinates parent participation in events including school socials, fundraisers and classroom-related activities, Heart Dance, game nights, movie nights, Father-Daughter Dance and Mother-Son activities. Each family is required to complete a minimum of 30 service hours each school year. At least 10 of the service hours must be fulfilled by assisting with one of the school's fundraisers (such as the Auction and/or the Crab Feed, special announcements and calendar postings are maintained online and distributed inreal-time via automatic updates and alerts).

Our school parents’ presence on campus and their volunteer help are invaluable. Not only does this requirement help to lower the school’s operating costs, but more importantly, it provides the opportunity for our school parents to work side by side and build a strong sense of community and teamwork!

St. James School utilizes web-based technology to collaborate with their students' families. special announcements and calendar postings are maintained online and distributed real-time via automatic updates and alerts. This parent/teacher internal web-site (or intranet) promotes specific web-spaces for classrooms, extracurricular programs and volunteer coordination, securely exchanging specific information for all involved.